
picked up drawing again a few weeks ago, now that I have a tattoo gun and all I figured I should get some practice. I really felt like drawing some old school stuff tonight. what could be more old school than a heart, a swallow and an anchor with roses around it? well, maybe the word “skiing” doesnt fit but everything else seemed too cheesy.


I want to get an old school sleeve right now, that’s the next project for sure…might visit the tattoo shop here in breck, who knows…


~ by jacobwester on December 19, 2008.

3 Responses to “drawing”

  1. you know, they say this shit is addictive… next thing you know you will look like Frank Carter in the GAllows…
    Just a warning… Happy X-mas

  2. Täby ink? :)

  3. Du har ju helt galet bra tatuerare i Stockholm om du vill köra Old School.
    Själv går jag hos Jonny på Art By Fafnir. http://www.fafnir.se
    Han är galet bra! Sitter med en massa färg på armarna nu och mer lär det bli i framtiden.

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