Icer Air pictures

yesterday was a hectic day and i never found the time to take pictures of the actual event, but you will all see that stuff on the internet later anyway. here’s some behind the scenes stuff:

now im going to spend a day in san francisco, im stoked on this place. i’ll keep you updated.


~ by jacobwester on October 19, 2008.

4 Responses to “Icer Air pictures”

  1. hej. gratulations, what a start to the year. back to back wins, stay stoked, you are in the zone.

  2. thougt of make a comment for long, just been to lazy. your blog is awsome. so cool to see whats happening behind the scenes of proskiier. keep writing dude. and congrats to icerair. cheers

  3. Grats on Icer Air. You´re doing a great job with the blog by the way.. And I also saw you on Jon Olsson´s videoblog! Hope you got some sleep ;)

  4. So did you do anything else cool in SF? Take any pics?

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